Within the Post LIFE actions, last Friday, February 24, there were guided visits to four groups of students, 4th and 1st of ESO, from the Bernaldo de Quirós de Mieres Secondary Education Institute.
During the visit, the Habits and Birds Directives, the LIFE program of the EU and the Natura 2000 network were presented. The LIFE project was explained, with special emphasis on the concepts of species and habitats of community interest.
The concepts of exotic and invasive species, autochthonous species and environmental restoration were worked on and the work carried out in the areas of action of the LIFE Fluvial project was presented.
Some 80 students participated in the guided tours that took place through the 15 panels of the exhibition.
The panels will remain on display in the impressive setting of the Palace of the Marqués de Camposagrado, which is part of the educational center, until the 17th.