
The LIFE FLUVIAL project proposes the improvement of the state of conservation of river corridors in several basins of Southern Europe, in the Iberian Peninsula, through actions in its main terrestrial element, the hygrophilous forest, which constitutes the priority habitat 91E0 *.  To this end, rivers and fluvial and fluvial-estuary sections with important conservation problems have been selected. The conservation problems derive from the alteration of the hydrological regime, deforestation, the substitution of the riparian forest for exotic forest plantations, the presence of invasive species, the occupation of the land for urban or recreational uses, the intensification of uses and, more recently, the diseases that affect the main arboreal species of the riparian forest and, therefore, of the fluvial corridors: the alder (Alnus glutinosa ).

This preparatory action will include the following tasks:

  1. Hydrogeomorphological analysis
  2. Analysis of the plant cover
  3. Protocol for the transfer of invasive species
  4. Identification of monitoring indicators for project location
  5. Improvement in the typification and characterization of the habitat 91E0 * in the enclaves of Portugal

This action includes the drafting of the technical execution projects necessary to carry out the conservation actions. A Contingency Plan will also be prepared, which will include solutions to possible problems that may arise in the development of conservation actions.

The action consists in the acquisition, through expropriation, of land of private ownership in the municipality of Ribadeo. There are 33 plots of different sizes and types, totaling 45,877 m2, of which 44,579 m2 are within the scope of the Natura 2000 Network (ZEC Rio Eo-Galicia ES1120002, ZEPA Ribadeo ES0000085).

The acquisition of the land by the City Council of Ribadeo is essential to address the recovery of habitats 91E0 * and 9230 in the stretch of the fluvioestuarino corridor of the Eo River south of the As Aceas inlet. The current use of the plots is mostly forestry, since most of the surface is occupied by plantations of eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus).

Development of actions that allow the increase and improvement of the state of conservation of the humid forests of habitat 91E0 * in the final stretch of the river corridor of the Eo River, in 4 Natura 2000 sites: ZECs Río Eo (Galicia) (ES1120002) and Ría from Eo (ES1200016) and ZEPAs Ribadeo (ES0000085) and Ria del Eo (ES1200016).

It will act on 12 stretches of the edge of the estuary, on a total area of ​​about 15 ha, in order to increase the surface area of ​​priority 91E0 * in about 7.1 ha and improve the conservation status of another 3.7 ha. This will result in an increase in biodiversity and connectivity along 14 km of the Eo river corridor. In addition, the surface area of ​​the 9230 habitat will be increased by about 4.4 ha.

Development of actions that allow the increase and improvement of the state of conservation of the humid forests of priority habitat 91E0 * in the middle sector of the river corridor of the Eo River, in three areas of the Natura 2000 Network: ZEC Río Eo (Galicia) ( ES1120002), ZEC Río Eo (Asturias) (ES1200023) and ZEPA Ribadeo (ES0000085). It will act on 9 sections of the Eo riverbank, on a total area of ​​10.26 ha. This action will increase the area of ​​priority habitat 91E0 * by about 1.5 ha and improve the conservation status of about 8.7 ha. This will result in an increase in biodiversity and the connectivity function of the Eo River in about 56 km of the river corridor.

Actions that allow the increase and improvement of the state of conservation of hygrophilous forests in two wetlands that represent the enclaves closest to the sea of the ZEC and Ria del Eo SPA (ES1200016) in which fragments of priority habitat 91E0 * are conserved, lagoons of Arnao and Villadún, in the municipality of Castropol. There are two wetlands with a notable presence of waterfowl, many of them migrating, which use both the lagoons and the estuary as refuge and food areas. This action will increase the area of priority habitat 91E0 * by about 0.5 ha and improve the conservation status of about 0.1 ha.

Desde mediados de la década de 1970, el margen izquierdo del corredor fluvioestuarino de la Ría de Betanzos era ocupado parcialmente en dos áreas para la instalación de equipamientos recreativos y deportivos. La ocupación de estas áreas provocaba la transformación de los hábitats naturales propios del ecosistema fluvioestuarino, en áreas artificializadas, sin valor de conservación. El grado de transformación de las mismas es tal que no es posible su recuperación por medio de los procesos de sucesión natural de los ecosistemas.

Ambas zonas presentan contacto por su parte occidental con el resto del bosque aluvial existente en la zona supralitoral del corredor fluvioestuarino, que describe una franja de orientación N-S. La acción contemplará actuaciones para la restitución de la funcionalidad del ecosistema y la restauración de 2,1 ha de bosques aluviales (91E0*) del corredor fluvioestuarino de la Ría de Betanzos (ZEC Betanzos-Mandeo, ES1110007).

Se estima una duración total para la ejecución de esta acción de 21 meses, entre abril de 2018 y diciembre de 2019 (ambos incluidos).

TRAGSA será responsable de la acción y la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC) actuará de colaborador, prestando asesoría científico-técnica durante los trabajos de restauración, para fomentar la conectividad de los hábitats naturales y evitar el deterioro de valores del área Natura 2000 (hábitats y especies de interés comunitario).

También en esta acción participará ADRMB como parte del equipo de trabajo, prestará una necesaria asesoría técnica a la empresa TRAGSA, velando porque la actuación se desarrolle de acuerdo a los condicionantes socioeconómicos del área.

Para conseguir la restauración de los hábitats naturales en el corredor fluvioestuarino de la Ría de Betanzos, la presente acción plantea el desarrollo de las siguientes actuaciones:

  1. Retirada de materiales

Para la restauración de los hábitats en ambas áreas, será necesaria la retirada parcial de los materiales de relleno (acarreos fluviales) y escombros depositados para la instalación de los equipamientos deportivos. Se realizarán trabajos de roza manual, excavación y retirada parcial con maquinaria pesada de los materiales depositados previamente, y carga en camión y transporte. El acceso a las parcelas mediante la pista que discurre de forma tangencial a las mismas, favorece el acceso de la maquinaria necesaria para los trabajos de excavación, carga y transporte del material retirado. Los materiales retirados serán gestionados como un residuo, de modo que serán depositados en un vertedero autorizado, con los correspondientes costes de gestión.

  1. Corrección hidrológica y recuperación de la funcionalidad

Tras la eliminación parcial de los escombros y rellenos, será necesario restituir en esta zona la funcionalidad del ecosistema que favorezca la recuperación de los hábitats naturales. Esto será conseguido mediante una serie de operaciones de corrección topográfica que permitan restituir el funcionamiento hidrológico propio de un corredor fluvioestuarino.

Los canales tendrán una anchura máxima de 2 metros, y serán abiertos con maquinaria que permita la compatibilización de la ejecución de la acción dentro del período establecido, con la conservación de los medios húmedos y los valores naturales (hábitats y especies) albergados en la ZEC.

  1. Eliminación y control de especies exóticas invasoras

La eliminación y control de especies exóticas invasoras (Eucalyptus globulus, Populus x canadensis, Cortaderia selloana, Tamarix gallica, etc), que constituyen una amenaza para el mantenimiento del estado de conservación favorable del hábitat 91E0*, será realizado también de forma selectiva, en los bordes de las parcelas objeto de la presente acción. 

  1. Restauración del bosque aluvial (91E0*)

Tras la retirada parcial del relleno y la corrección hidrológica del mismo, se procederá a los trabajos de restauración de 2,1 ha de bosque aluvial (91E0*), mediante la repoblación con especies características de la cubierta vegetal del mismo, restituyendo la conectividad con el bosque aluvial del resto del corredor fluvioestuarino. La disposición de las plantas será al tresbolillo, alcanzando una densidad de 2.900 pies/ha, empleando métodos manuales debido a la fragilidad del ecosistema fluvioestuarino.

Se empleará planta de Fraxinus excelsior en envase forestal (máximo de dos savias) de procedencia compatible. La plantación se realizará con ayuda de un plantamón. De forma complementaria, se colocarán tubos protectores de las mismas, para protegerlos de posibles daños por fauna silvestre, contribuyendo a garantizar el éxito de la repoblación.

Si se considera necesario, la repoblación con plantas en envase podrá ser complementada por el empleo de estaquillas de Salix atrocinerea, obtenida mediante la poda de individuos del bosque aluvial contiguo. Los plantones tendrán un diámetro mínimo de 20mm y una longitud mínima de 50cm, deberán ser cortados entre enero y marzo del año 2018, y aviverados previa aplicación de hormonas de enraizamiento. Si fuese posible, se plantarán inmediatamente sin necesidad de almacenar la planta.

The objective of this action is the improvement of the state of conservation of 8.6 ha of hygrophilous forest (91E0 *) in the surroundings of the Cecebre Reservoir, which has a good representation of aliseda (91E0 *), affected by Phytophthora spp. , and with areas occupied by exotic species with invasive potential.

This action is aimed at improving the state of conservation of 7.8 ha of alluvial forests (91E0 *) in the ZEC Parga-Ladra-Támoga (ES1120003), in order to improve the river corridors of the upper Miño River basin . The action will be developed in 3 different enclaves: Río Miño-Lugo (2.0 ha), Río Miño-Rábade (1.8 ha) and Río Parga (4.0 ha).

Development of actions to improve the conservation status of 2.0 ha of wet forests (91E0 *) in Lagoa do Rei, continental lagoon wetland located in the ZEC Parga-Ladra-Támoga (ES1120003).

The expected result of this action will be the improvement of the state of conservation in a total of 9.0 ha of habitat type 91E0 * on the banks of the Estorãos River, tributary of the Lima River, within the SIC Rio Lima (PTCON0020).

The aim of this action is to analyze the effectiveness of the project’s actions in comparison with the initial situation, that is, to evaluate the implementation and success of the concrete actions of conservation in relation to the general objective of the project: the improvement of the state of conservation of the habitat 91E0 *, as well as the associated 9230 habitat, and the development of sustainable management measures for river corridors.

For this purpose, a set of indicators will be established through which the following general objectives can be achieved:

– Control the evolution of the restorative process

– Analyze the changes that occur

– Detect and correct the appearance of undesirable transformations

– Assist the recovery of naturalness and the increase of the biodiversity of the natural habitats in the enclaves of action

This action consists in the evaluation of the socioeconomic impact of the project on the area of ​​social and economic influence of the enclaves of the Natura 2000 Network in which the actions are developed. Three large groups of positive socio-economic impacts derived from the project have been identified. – Socioeconomic benefits for the environmental improvement of enclaves and restored stretches – Positive socio-economic impacts directly associated with the execution of project actions – Positive social externalities associated with increased training and public awareness

This action consists of evaluating in economic and non-economic terms, regarding the initial situation, the impact of the project on the main ecosystem services and functions provided by the enclaves of the Natura 2000 Network in which the conservation actions have been developed, through an innovative monitoring framework that can be transferred to other evaluations in similar contexts

The objective is to provide sufficient information for the evaluation of the achievement of project objectives. In this way, the present action consists in the compilation of the necessary information for the completion of a table of impact indicators (performance indicators) that serve the EU for the evaluation of the results of the project in particular, and of the LIFE Program in global .

This action aims to establish, by all the partners included in it, a joint strategy of communication and dissemination of the results. It is structured in 2 subactions: E1.1. Communication plan. The Communication Plan is a basic basis for the management of the project and for the dissemination of the information generated on it.

E1.2. Awareness materials, equipment and web. The development of awareness materials, the installation of outreach equipment and dissemination of the project and the launch of its own website are contemplated.

LIFE FLUVIAL proposes a communication, dissemination and awareness strategy that aims to reach all layers of the population at local, regional, national and European level. To this end, numerous informative and training activities will be developed, related to the project, to the river corridors and to the Natura 2000 Network:

1. Project presentation

2. Attendance at external events

3. Day of the Natura 2000 Network

4. School workshops

5. Volunteer days

6. Electronic bulletin

7. Dissemination in the media 8. Layman report

This action includes all dissemination activities aimed at interested entities, groups or groups, as well as the celebration of a Technical Training and Training Conference and the Final Dissemination Seminar. It will also include the preparation and publication of a Manual of Good Practices in the management of river corridors and their associated habitats, especially the alluvial forest (91E0 *).

This action aims to provide a framework in which the exchange of good practices and experiences is facilitated and promoted, as well as the collaborative work between projects and institutions, promoting the replicability and transferability of LIFE FLUVIAL results, incorporating the conclusions of others European projects (LIFE or not), the experiences of competent European bodies for the management of river corridors and Natura 2000 conservation, and the knowledge of European institutions and researchers related to this topic.

This will be achieved through the establishment of a bidirectional information exchange network, called RED FLUVIAL, which will facilitate an environment in which synergies are fostered and collaborative activities are developed that contribute to the improvement of knowledge and the development of capacities.

The main objectives of the management structure of the LIFE FLUVIAL project are:

  • Coordinate general management activities (administrative, financial and technical)
  • Provide the project with the appropriate decision-making bodies
  • Provide the project with the necessary support and follow-up tools to achieve the proposed objectives.
  • Ensure efficient communication between the members of the consortium vis-à-vis the EC and the public bodies concerned and towards the population at local, regional, national and European level

The fundamental objective of the post-LIFE Conservation Plan is to establish the appropriate strategy to achieve the long-term sustainability of the project, structuring the actions that are considered to have continuity beyond the end of the project.

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