INDUROT, Instituto de Ordenación del Territorio y Recursos Naturales
Universidad de Oviedo is the public institution of higher education and research at the Principality of Asturias. With an international vocation, closely committed to the region and with a strong commitment to the transfer of knowledge to the productive fabric, the University of Oviedo was one of the first nine Spanish universities to obtain accreditation as Campus of International Excellence in 2009. In the University of Oviedo, the center responsible for participating in the project is the Institute of Natural Resources and Territorial Planning (INDUROT), which has personal and technical means for its execution. INDUROT has extensive experience in characterization and management of Natura 2000 sites and environmental restoration:
- Characterization of Community Interest Habitats in Spain.
- Inventory of Community Interest Habitats in LICs of Asturias.
- Habitat and distribution of species of the Habitat Directive in Asturias.
- Recovery and protection plan for river courses.
- Restoration of the biological corridor of Huerna.
- Ecological characterization of the Nalón-Narcea rivers.
- Characterization of the Cantabrian estuaries.
- Restoration of the Ribadesella marshes.
- Recovery of mudflats in Múskiz.
- Restoration of the Villadún and Arnao wetlands.
- Recovery of the beaches of Penarronda and Xagó.
- Habitats Improvement Plan in La Furta.
- Regeneration of forest stands in Nubledo.
- Monitoring Cantabrian Hydrological Plan.
- Cartography of Floodplains Miño-Sil basin.
- Information System of Floodplains and Torrential Avenue of Asturias.
- Proposal for the Rio Eo, Oscos and Terras de Burón Biosphere Reserve.
- Evaluation of the Millennium Ecosystems in Spain.
In addition, INDUROT has experience in the development of EU projects related to other issues such as the Water Framework Directive, ENSCONET, artisanal fisheries, territorial planning, heavy metals, natural risks, dune restoration.
Gil González Rodríguez and Jorge Marquínez García (Directors), Jesús Valderrábano Luque (Technical co-ordinator), Pilar Garcia Manteca (Technical co-ordinator), Maria Luisa Alonso González (Project Manager), Eduardo Cires Rodríguez, Antonio Torralba Burrial, Elena Fernández Iglesias, Arturo Colina Vuelta, Laura García de la Fuente, Luis Ángel Sañudo Fontaneda, María Fernández García, Mauro Sanna.
Telephone: +34 985458118 E-mail:;
Address: Edificio de Investigación Campus de Mieres Mieres 33600 Asturias España. Página web:
Asociación de Desenvolvemento Rural Mariñas-Betanzos

It is a non-profit entity, which has its scope of action in 17 municipalities in the province of A Coruña, in the northwest of Spain (Galicia): Abegondo, Aranga, Arteixo, Bergondo, Betanzos, Cambre, Carral, Coirós, Culleredo , Curtis, Miño, Irixoa, Oleiros, Oza-Cesuras, Paderne, Sada and Sobrado, covering a total area of 1000 km2 and have a population of 190,000 inhabitants. The aim of the Association is to be the nucleus of integration and representation of the different territorial, institutional, social and economic agents, public and private, interested in promoting socio-economic development in the territory of action, currently having 128 entities associated, public and private. The final objective pursued is to design and apply a strategy of sustainable development of the territory based on its natural and cultural heritage and the promotion of social cohesion. In 2013, this territory was declared by UNESCO as a Biosphere Reserve “Mariñas Coruñesas e Terras do Mandeo”, within the MaB Program. The Mariñas-Betanzos Association has participated in different actions in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in the territory within the LIFE + Project “Aqua Plann Project” (LIFE + 07ENV / E / 000826), mainly in dissemination actions and active participation. It has also developed actions related to the improvement of the territory’s habitats, with a special incidence of riparian forests, as well as various environmental volunteering programs for the improvement of natural areas and the elimination of invasive species. Environmental education activities are coordinated by the Association in the territorial interpretation centers.
Miguel Fernández Pardo, Jorge Blanco.
Telephone: +34 981669541 E-mail:; Address: San Marcos, s / n (Antiga Cámara Agraria, 1º Andar), 15318 Abegondo, A Coruña. Website:
Empresa Municipal de Aguas de La Coruña, S. A. (EMALCSA)
EMALCSA is the society in charge of providing the water supply service to A Coruña city and the municipality, as well as to manage or collaborate with the City Council for the management of municipal services. EMALCSA focuses its activity in the search of the satisfaction of the interested parties and tries to incorporate innovation both in its management and in the provision of the service, betting firmly for innovation in all its activity. Since its founding, EMALCSA has been organized and trained to respond to the needs of the Integral Water Cycle service, currently having equipment and resources to develop the following functions:
- Collection, purification and distribution of drinking water.
- Analysis and control of water quality in all phases of the Integral Water Cycle.
- Maintenance and cleaning of supply and sanitation networks.
- Client management: contracting, meter reading, billing, collection and customer service for water supply and sanitation.
- Transportation and purification of wastewater.
This service capacity was developed specifically for various public administrations, which are served at different stages of the cycle. In addition to the functions of its activity in recent years, it has extended the spectrum of its interest to the care, custody and maintenance of the water sources from which it is nourished for the supply, both from the point of view of environmental and social responsibility , in order to guarantee the best possible quality of the water supplied and the respect and maintenance of the environment for a sustainable management of resources and their activity, making special impact in the management of the demand on the supply, the control of emerging pollutants and the social function of the water cycle as an element of man’s relationship with the environment and its evolution and development.
Ricardo Vázquez Pérez, Román Maceiras Pedreira, Miguel García del Valle, Mª Eugenia Juncal Fernández.
Phone: +34 952417102
Address: Manuel Munguía Street, s / n. Casa del Agua building, 1st floor. 15011, A Coruña
Instituto Superior de Agronomía, Universidad de Lisboa

The University of Lisbon is a public interdisciplinary institution of higher education and research and consists of 18 faculties and institutes. It is one of the largest universities in Portugal with a total of 46,989 students (2012/2013 academic year) enrolled in 423 degrees, master’s and doctoral courses and has approximately 4,000 permanent employees in teaching and research. The Higher Institute of Agronomy, ISA, is one of the faculties of the University of Lisbon. The main mission is higher education, research and development, and technology transfer in the scientific fields of agriculture, forestry and natural resource engineering, food science, animal production engineering, environmental engineering, biology and landscape architecture. As a higher education center, ISA teaches 1555 undergraduate, master’s and doctoral students. In addition, 133 professors and 6 researchers (doctors) carry out scientific research work, recognized through publications in international journals, books and conferences. ISA currently participates in 111 research projects of which 16 are of international scope. ISA is the coordinating partner in 2 of these international projects and in 29 national projects, funded by the EC and national funds respectively. ISA is also involved in several projects related to technology transfer. Its partners include universities, research institutes and private companies. In addition, it has two research centers of recognized prestige at the national level. All these activities are supported by a team of experienced administrative staff, including project managers, financial experts and public relations managers, who will provide comprehensive support to the project.
Patricia María Rodríguez González, Paulo Monteiro
Phone: +351 213 653 100
Address: Centro de Estudos Florestais. Azevedo Gomes building. Higher Institute of Agronomy. University of Lisbon. Tapada da Ajuda. 1349-017 Lisbon. Portugal
Asociación para el desarrollo del territorio interregional que se ubica en el entorno del río Eo (InterEo)

Its function is the development of the interregional territory that is located in the vicinity of the Eo River (InterEo). It is constituted by fourteen municipalities of which seven belong to the province of Lugo (Baleira, A Fonsagrada, Negueira de Muñiz, Pontenova, Ribadeo, Ribeira de Piquín and Trabada) in Galicia and seven others to the Principality of Asturias (Castropol, San Martín de Oscos, San Tirso de Abres, Santa Eulalia de Oscos, Taramundi, Vegadeo and Villanueva de Oscos). These fourteen municipalities, in turn, make up the territory that UNESCO’s MaB Committee designated as Rio Eo, Oscos and Terras de Burón Biosphere Reserve on September 18, 2007. InterEo will participate in several actions of the LIFE proposal River. Their vision and knowledge of the territory is fundamental for the development of the project taking into account that through the local administrations associated, will have sufficient capacity to influence territorial governance and for the dissemination and adequate communication of the results thereof.
César Álvarez Fernández, Jose Juan Rodríguez
Phone: 985476850
Address: C / Hospital, 1 – 33770 – Vegadeo – Asturias
Concello de Ribadeo

The Ribadeo Town Council marked as a priority line of its work the protection, conservation and regeneration of its natural environment, possessor of a biodiversity that made it worthy of several international recognitions (Red Natura 2000, LIC, ZEPA, Biosphere Reserve …). Preserving these ecosystems, trying to improve their natural conditions and their services, is one of our main concerns, along with fighting for new recognitions that guarantee the quality of our beaches, banks, mountains … Apart from all the actions that they seek to achieve a cleaner and more sustainable Ribadeo, the involvement of citizens is also essential. That is why information and awareness campaigns, educational days and other resources are launched. Related to the action in question that is intended to be carried out within the LIFE there is a very good and recent experience in Ribadeo with the path that runs parallel to the Ribadeo estuary from the Afro da Illa Pancha to the As Aceas mill, where its last section of 1.5 jm approximately the plots of private property were acquired to yield them to Costas, plots in which in addition to the creation of the path is in process to replace the eucalyptus of that section by native species through a grant from Red Natura 2000. Together with the action that is intended to be carried out in Ribadeo within the LIFE, this Council intends to give continuity to the existing path to join it with the path of the old mining train, through the plots to be acquired, which is considers it would be a very valuable addition to the LIFE project in Ribadeo.
Fernando Suárez Barcia
Teléfono: 982 128 650/ 982 128 662
Dirección: Praza de España, 1, 27700 Ribadeo, Lugo
Página web:
Empresa de Transformación Agraria TRAGSA

TRAGSA has 37 years of experience working for public administrations at the service of society, which has placed this business group at the forefront of the different sectors in which it operates, from the provision of agricultural, forestry, livestock and rural development services, to the conservation and environmental protection. Throughout 2013, a total of 1410 environmental actions were carried out, which represents 29.40 % of the total actions of the TRAGSA Group. Some of the activities related to the project carried out in 2013 are:
- Conservation of Biodiversity: More than 45 actions have been carried out under the Natura 2000 Network agreements. Inventory, diagnosis, characterization, conservation, management and monitoring of flora and fauna species and terrestrial and marine habitats. Breeding and recovery centers and other infrastructures for species management.
- Conservation of genetic resources: Monitoring and control of invasive species. Development and implementation of national, international and regional legislation on biodiversity conservation, preparation of strategies and conservation and recovery plans.
- Conservation, improvement and recovery of spaces: Planning of natural spaces. Maintenance, surveillance, restoration and control of terrestrial and marine natural spaces. Preparation of diagnostic studies for the regeneration of soils and aquifers.
- Forestry and forest management: reforestation, clearing, pruning and clearing, with the elimination of the generated plant remains. Forest exploitation and its application to bioenergy.
In addition TRAGSA participates in the Committee of Wild Flora and Fauna, in the Committee of Protected Natural Spaces, provides technical support to the two Councils that make up the Spanish Committee of UNESCO’s MaB Program and participates in the Technical Support Group to the Habitat Committee.
Jose Antonio Maira Mendez. Emilio José Pardo Álvarez.
Phone: 982284357
Address: Agrarian Transformation Company, TRAGSA C / Río Sil, 43, Entlo Lugo 27003
IBADER, Instituto de Biodiversidade Agraria e Desenvolvemento Rural, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

The University of Santiago de Compostela is one of the universities with the longest tradition in Europe. Within its framework, the group in charge of participating in the project is one of those experienced in the management of habitats and species of the Natura 2000 Network: the Territory and Biodiversity Group (GI-1934-TB), attached to the Institute of Agricultural Biodiversity e Rural Dismantling (IBADER). This allows the contribution of the personal and technical means necessary for the execution of the project. The main line of the group focuses on the conservation and management of biodiversity and the environment. Since its creation, it has carried out multiple works related to the conservation, planning, assessment, sustainable management and monitoring of the conservation status of natural habitats and wild species, especially those included in the Habitat Directive and Birds Directive. Among the works carried out, the drafting of the Master Plan for the Natura 2000 Network of Galicia (approved by Decree 37/2014) stands out. The result of this great experience has been the publication of specific monographs on the habitats of community interest in Galicia, including criteria for their identification, diagnosis, territorial assessment, and proposals for sustainable management. Consequently, the group has extensive experience in the design of means of sustainable management of the values of natural heritage and biodiversity, with special emphasis on the habitats and species whose presence has motivated the designation of the Red Natura 2000 protected areas. The team’s trajectory is complemented by a long career in the field of environmental disclosure, collaboration in information processes and public participation, raising awareness among the population, cooperation in the formation of different levels of regulated education, technical training and all kinds of alliances with the agents involved in the management and conservation of the natural environment.
Pablo Ramil Rego. Javier Ferreiro da Costa
Tel. +34 982 824 504 / +34 982 824 507
Address: IBADER. University of Santiago de Compostela. Campus Terra. University of Santiago. 27002 Lugo, Galicia.
Entities that support the project
- Confederación Hidrográfica del Miño-Sil
- Confederación Hidrográfica del Cantábrico
- Dirección General de Sostenibilidad de la Costa y el Mar, MAPAMA
- Demarcación de Costas de Asturias
- Servicio Provincial de Costas de Lugo
- Augas de Galicia
- Portuguese Environment Agency,
- Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique INRA
- Instituto da Conservacao da Natureza e das Florestas, IP
- Dirección General de Recursos Naturales, Gobierno del Principado de Asturias
- Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza, Xunta de Galicia
- Diputación de Lugo
- Concello de A Pontenova
- Ayuntamiento de Castropol
- Ayuntamiento de Santa Eulalia de Oscos
- Ayuntamiento de Taramundi
- Ayuntamiento de Villanueva de Oscos
- Ayuntamiento de Ribadeo
- Ayuntamiento de San Martín de Oscos
- Concello de Trabada
- Concello de Baleira
- Ayuntamiento de Rábade
- Ayuntamiento de Abegondo
- Ayuntamiento de A Coruña
- Ayuntamiento de Betanzos
- Ayuntamiento de Vegadeo
- Ayuntamiento de San Tirso de Abres
- Ayuntamiento de Lugo
- Concello de Meira
- Ayuntamiento de Bergondo, A Coruña
- Ayuntamiento de Guitiriz
- Cámara Municipal de Ponte de Lima,
- Universidad de Vigo (Dpto. de Ecología y Biología Animal) (España)
- Sapienza Università di Roma (Italia)
- Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, INRA (Francia)
- Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung Abteilung, Ressourcen und Nachhaltigkeit (Austria)
- Asociación Gallega de Custodia del Territorio (España)
- Danish Ministry of Environment and Food, Danish Nature Agency (Dinamarca)
- Drustvo za Opazovanje in Proucevanje ptic Slovenije, DOPPS-BirdlLife (Eslovenia)
- KASZÓ Forestry Stock Company (Hungría)
- National Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs (Irlanda)
- Provincia di Vicenza (Italia)