Ribadeo recovers the landscape of the Ribadeo estuary with Life Fluvial

Within the framework of the LIFE Fluvial project, logging work has begun on the left bank of the Ribadeo estuary on 4.5 ha located within the Natura 2000 Network, with the aim of restoring them and returning the estuary to its natural state.

On these lands previously expropriated by the Council of Ribadeo, eucalyptus plantations are being removed, which constitute a denaturalisation of the landscape and affect the natural ecosystems of the estuary. Subsequently, LIFE Fluvial will proceed to the restoration of the natural habitats of the riverbank, planting native species (such as oak trees, laurel trees, strawberry trees…) obtained from local genetic material.

In conjunction with these actions, the Vilavella promenade and the As Aceas tidal mill will also be extended, combining in the project ecosystem services for leisure, enhancement of the ethnographic heritage and conservation of biodiversity.

The LIFE Fluvial project (Improvement and sustainable management of river corridors in the Iberian Atlantic Region) is a project of the 2016 LIFE Nature and Biodiversity call for proposals co-financed by this programme with 2,272,474 € (the total amount of the project is 3,032,223 €) that will be implemented over 4 years, until August 2021. The consortium that develops it is formed by the University of Oviedo (INDUROT) (coordinating partner), University of Santiago de Compostela (IBADER), University of Lisbon (Instituto Superior de Agronomia), Council of Ribadeo, Association of Rural Development Mariñas-Betanzos, InterEo Association, TRAGSA, and EMALCSA.

More information about the project:


Página web del Concello de Ribadeo

Página web de Ibader

Noticia en medios de comunicación:

Crónica3 A Mariña: O Concello está a realizar as obras para ampliar nun km o paseo que vai da Vilavella ata As Aceas, e que en breve chegará ata a antiga vía do tren mineiro

ORT SER Occidente: El ayuntamiento de Ribadeo amplía el sendero que discurre entre A Vilavella- Ás Aceas

Xornal da Mariña: Comezan os traballos para prolongar o Paseo das Aceas ata a antiga vía do tren mineiro.

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