Next Tuesday 22nd May the LIFE FLUVIAL project (LIFE16 NAT/ES/000771) will celebrate the European Day of the Natura 2000 Network at IBADER, Campus Terra of the University of Santiago de Compostela. The LIFE BACCATA project (LIFE15 NAT/ES/000790) will also join the celebration. The day will consist of two parts:
During the morning, starting at 11 a.m., there will be a visit to one of the study sites of LIFE FLUVIAL, located in Lagoa do Rei, belonging to the municipality of Rábade (Lugo), in the SAC Parga-Ladra-Támoga (ES1120003).
In the afternoon, from 17:00, an event will take place in the IBADER’s “Luciano Sánchez García” classroom, on the Terra Campus (Lugo), to try to inform those present of the efforts made to make the Natura 2000 Network one of the most outstanding achievements of the European Union. The aim will be to raise public awareness of the Natura 2000 Network and its importance for the conservation of natural heritage, the services provided by ecosystems, as well as its contribution to the economy and the well-being of the populations living in its area of influence.
The provisional timetable for the speeches is as follows:
17:00 h: Presentation of the event.
17:15 h: Marine biodiversity in the Galician Natura 2000 Network. Victoriano Urgorri Carrasco (Estación de Bioloxía Mariña da Graña, USC).
18:00 h: Experiences of in situ conservation of species in the Natura 2000 Network. Serafín González Prieto (Galician Society of Natural History, SGHN).
18:45 h: Implementation of quality marks in Natura 2000 Network areas. Miguel Fernández Pardo (ADR Mariñas-Betanzos).
19:30 h: Final considerations and closing of the event.
Admission to the event will be free and free of charge, until full capacity of the room is reached (50 people).
More information at: