School workshop at Jovellanos, Vegadeo Primary School

Last 5th December, Intereo and Indurot have developed a school workshop on the importance of the conservation of the Atlantic river corridors in the C.P. Jovellanos de Vegadeo.

The students of the four classes of the first and second year of primary school have learned about plant and animal biodiversity, the threats faced by the river corridors and the solutions that the LIFE Fluvial project is implementing to improve them.

In the first part of the workshop, María Fernández García, Mauro Sanna and Jose Juan Rodríguez explained the LIFE Fluvial project through a presentation in which the students actively participated in its development and were able to learn how to identify the most characteristic tree species of the riverside forest and invasive plants. In the second part we had fun with the River Game, a memory with images of autochthonous/exotic plant and animal species and the state of health of the Atlantic river corridors. In the last part the students were encouraged to draw the river corridor according to their vision and knowledge. You can see all the artworks here

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